Laser beam welding combines two pieces of the same or different metals to create a single piece. The machine directs a precise heat source toward the space between metal parts. The heat source from the laser beams facilitates high-speed connections between the holes.
There are several clear benefits to using lasers for welding over other methods. Many of these benefits stem from the ability to build a “keyhole” via laser welding. Heat input is possible through this keyhole at the upper surface and the material’s thickness.
The following are some of the main benefits of modern laser beam welding.
Speed and adaptability
Laser welding is relatively quick. Depending on the kind and strength of the laser being used, thin-section materials can be welded at several meters per minute.
As a result, modern lasers are well adapted to operate in automated settings with great productivity. Productivity increases are also possible for thicker sections. The laser keyhole welding process may finish a joint in a single pass, while conventional methods would need several passes.
Laser welding is almost always done automatically. Multi-axis robotic delivery systems make it simple to remotely modify the optical fiber delivered beams from Nd: YAG, diode, fiber, and disk lasers, in particular. This creates a geometrically versatile production process.
Reduced heat effects
Laser beam welding focuses a powerful heat source onto the item being worked on. The intense heat fuses the two pieces of metal without harming the non-focused parts, retaining the subject matter’s physical characteristics. Furthermore, laser welding produces accurate results for the same concept when applied to different materials.
In small areas, low heat input causes minor thermal damage. However, it has little effect on the physical characteristics of the parent material next to the weld. Because of this feature, laser beam welding is more appropriate than other welding methods like electron beam welding.
Adaptable to various materials and thicknesses
Modern laser welding solutions can weld materials like stainless steel, aluminum, titanium, nickel alloys, thermoplastics, and various textures like wood. They are also used to join materials 1 to 30 mm thick. However, the finished result is also influenced by the laser welding process.
Thin and deep welds
Laser welding can achieve a high aspect ratio (considerable depth to small width). As a result, it can be used for joint configurations that are not suited for many other (conduction-constrained) welding procedures, such as stake welding through lap joints. This makes it possible to employ smaller flanges than parts created with resistance spot welding.
High-quality welds
Laser beam welding ensures constant quality because of its accurate outcomes. A precise laser beam completes the task of laser welding without coming into direct touch with the components.
The aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding sectors primarily use laser beam welding. These systems employ a digital system to execute a laser-guided production process. Modern laser beam welding equipment includes a built-in measurement device to track the dimensions of the produced goods.
There’s no need for an electrode.
Electrodes play a crucial role in the arc welding process. The welding machine is connected to long wires called welding electrodes. These electrodes/wires produce an electric arc. Heat causes the electrodes to melt and fuse the metals.
However, electrodes are not required for laser welding at Micro Weld. These devices employ incredibly high temperatures to fuse parent metals without an electrode. The final product has a better finish since there are no signs of melted electrodes in the weld.
High automation level
Robots and other auxiliary equipment can be used with laser beams flexibly controlled by optical fiber or lens systems. This improves production quality and efficiency.
The bottom line
Laser welding is more accurate and economical in the long term than conventional welding techniques, which is why it is dominating today’s manufacturing sectors.